My first memories of my mother, Audrey, are of her identification with Rosie the Riveter, big band and bebop era jazz, and her reciting the poem Trees by popular New Jersey poet, Joyce Kilmer. Did she want me to be a poet? Maybe not, but she wanted me to write and to write poetry, not from any specific request - I just knew. One way I knew was that she gave me my own typewriter at age 7, a wonderful 1922 Underwood, which was great finger exercise. This was a big deal, I suppose like my grandchildren getting their own iPads. 

When I got to second grade my teacher, Mrs. Klein, had introduced me to my first favorite poet, Dr. Seuss, and by winter I wrote my first poem (below).  

"Far Beyond Pluto." First published poem. West Essex Tribune, 1957 age 7.

"Far Beyond Pluto." First published poem. West Essex Tribune, 1957 age 7.

"Desert Trek." 1963, age 13.

"Desert Trek." 1963, age 13.